Inspirations – Mon., Nov. 25, 2019

Each day is a gift.
Don’t send it back and unopened. The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time through grace.

Your life is a theater for greatness and each day is a platform for mastery.

Positive thoughts all day.

Julius L. Cartwright

Inspirations – Fri., Nov. 22, 2019

A Nation mourned, A Bigot cheered, A Question was asked

On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, a co-worker, hearing of the assassination of John F. Kennedy; a president, a husband, a father, a son, a war hero; paused her laughter just long enough to ask me; “Well, what are you people going to do now?”  I believe I have and will continue to answer her inappropriate question to the complete amazement and total dissatisfaction of those who share her ignorance and insensitivity; by working to build bridges, rather than walls. 

In each of our lives, there will appear people and circumstances that will offer to us the temptation to choose the low road; or the opportunity to choose the high road, the one less traveled.  Choose wisely; being proactive as opposed to reactive, so your legacy might be worthy of your inheritance.

Henry Ford
Publisher of VISIONS Newsletter