TDT Table Talk – 11-17-2020

Beyond Success! Making a Difference! Be Your Best! Willie Johnson, Audrey Wiggins, Robert Lawson, Mike Jennings and others will be sharing a few powerful ideas to reach dreams in 2021! It’s free! Register today! Don’t miss this!

Transformational Dream Team

You are invited to Table Talks with Transformational Dream Team

When: Nov 17, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time

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Featuring:  Willie Johnson, DTM, HDC (“The Ambassador of Potentiality” @Willie Johnson Communications). He is an award winning Motivational Speaker and Trainer. Whether you need someone to boost individual and or team member morale, inspire staff, provide a challenge to customer service representatives, or energize your sales force, Willie Johnson will deliver a tailored, content filled, motivational message that will resonate and challenge participants to “Go Make a Difference” in their life, their organization, and in the life of others. He has authored “It’s Never Too Late To Live Up To Your Potential” and “Be Amazing” available on Amazon. 

Right Now in Our World by Dr. Robert L. Lawson

RIGHT NOW IN OUR WORLD, spiritual warfare is being waged! This is not a battle between BLACK and WHITE at all. As one of my best white friends has said, “This is a battle between good and evil.This is a fight for the essence of your soul and the core of your belief system. It’s not against the men and women in blue. It’s against people who would kill your son or daughter in a second. You’d better be thinking like that because until it happens to you, you won’t get it. But then, it’ll be too late.
The only reason why any progress in this country has been made at all is because of the incredible foresight of Black and White people who have gone before us. That will always be the case. You know why? Because, like it or not, we are inextricably bound together and we always will be. Once emotions have subsided, reason will prevail. It always has; it always will.
The answer has never been (me). It has always been (we). It will always be (we) the people, the good people. Blessings to each of you. Let’s go out now and do good, positive work in spite of events being out of our immediate control. Your mindset and your attitude toward others determine everything.
I stand behind fairness and justice. As Dr. King has said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.“ You cannot support wrong actions and expect to progress. That does not work. It never has; it never will. The Civil War should have already taught you that.
We are supposed to learn from history and if we don’t then we will continue to repeat it until we either get it right or all be dead. We get to make that choice daily. “He who allows oppression shares the crime.” It was the great Edmund Burke who once said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in our society is for good men to do nothing.”
Dr. Robert L. Lawson

Dr. Robert L. Lawson

THE VOTE: Encouragement and Reflections

There are few things likely to make one more tired of the political process than the focus of the past several months on the national scene.  Despite how tired you think you may be, there is a task and a challenge that needs to be met between now and when the polls close.
There are many things to keep in mind.  One thing is that you being tired, frustrated, and confused are among the many distractions designed to keep you from exercising your rights and responsibilities.  Another thing to keep in mind, is that you are probably not as tired as Rosa Parks was, not as threatened as Dr. Martin Luther King was, not as injured as four young girls who died when an Alabama Church was dynamited. Please remember that Politics are much more inclusive than the much publicized Presidential Election; in fact much of it is local.
On October 14, I attended a Candidate Meet-n-Greet event hosted by (BWPAC), the Black Women’s Political Action Committee.  BWPAC has for years provided a forum for candidates to meet the public, and exchange ideas.  BWPAC provides the location, the food, introduces the candidates, and encourages interactions between candidates and the public.
The forum allows and encourages dialogue in a non-confrontational atmosphere, where concerns can be addressed one on one, or in small groups.  The forum provides one an opportunity to discuss issues without the dramatic, distractive, emotional rhetoric that so often invades our television screens, and tires us of the political process.
A Big Thank You to the organization for their encouragement and support of the political process. The extent of the organization’s political message is this:  BECOME INFORMED AND EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE!

Despite claims to the contrary, it is not the Ivory Towers of the elite that make this nation great, but rather the giving, pain, sacrifice and suffering of many.  Among those were the Indians who helped the Pilgrims survive harsh winters, the first responders of 9/11, those who today help to keep an uneasy peace in a world bent on terrorism, and those who insist that the peacekeepers recognize rights and due process.  Our greatness lies in our diversity and ability to be respectful and accepting of others.  


Below are just a few of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in order that we might work together toward a greater good. They did not leave us towers from which we would look down upon others, but rather foundations upon which we can build. I am so thankful that we did not build a wall to keep them out!